新增websocket ws和wss的客服端及服务端接口API
支持自定义证书端口和服务名称,遵循websocket rfc协议
支持win32api的http/https 同步或异步请求
支持win32api的http/https自动识别(兼容http 1.0/1.1/2.0)
支持windows xp-windows 11
#pragma once #ifdef PLYAPIDLL_EXPORTS #define PLYAPIDLL_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define PLYAPIDLL_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif // PLYAPIDLL_EXPORTS class PLYAPIDLL_API CPlyApi { public: }; typedef enum HttpStepType { HSTYPE_CrackUrl = 0, HSTYPE_Open, HSTYPE_Connect, HSTYPE_OpenRequest, HSTYPE_AddRequestHeaders, HSTYPE_SendRequest, HSTYPE_ReceiveResponse, HSTYPE_QueryRawHeaders, HSTYPE_QueryDataAvailable, HSTYPE_ReadData, HSTYPE_LeaveClean, } HttpStepType; typedef int (*PFN_WindowsCallBack)(HttpStepType httpStepType, DWORD dwErrorId, LPVOID hSession, LPVOID hConnect, LPVOID hRequest, LPVOID lpData, UINT uSize, BOOL *pbResponseHeadersOnly, LPVOID lpUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpExecAsync(LPCWSTR lpMethod, PFN_WindowsCallBack pfnUserFunc, LPVOID lpUserData, LPCWSTR lpwUrl, LPCWSTR lpwRequestHeaders = L"Accept:*/*\r\n", LPCSTR lpRequestData = NULL/*WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA*/, LPCWSTR lpwUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpGetAsync(PFN_WindowsCallBack pfnUserFunc, LPVOID lpUserData, LPCWSTR lpwUrl, LPCWSTR lpwRequestHeaders = L"Accept:*/*\r\n", LPCSTR lpRequestData = NULL/*WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA*/, LPCWSTR lpwUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpPostAsync(PFN_WindowsCallBack pfnUserFunc, LPVOID lpUserData, LPCWSTR lpwUrl, LPCWSTR lpwRequestHeaders = L"Accept:*/*\r\n", LPCSTR lpRequestData = NULL/*WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA*/, LPCWSTR lpwUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpExec(LPCWSTR lpMethod, PFN_WindowsCallBack pfnUserFunc, LPVOID lpUserData, LPCWSTR lpwUrl, LPCWSTR lpwRequestHeaders = L"Accept:*/*\r\n", LPCSTR lpRequestData = NULL/*WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA*/, LPCWSTR lpwUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpGet(PFN_WindowsCallBack pfnUserFunc, LPVOID lpUserData, LPCWSTR lpwUrl, LPCWSTR lpwRequestHeaders = L"Accept:*/*\r\n", LPCSTR lpRequestData = NULL/*WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA*/, LPCWSTR lpwUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpPost(PFN_WindowsCallBack pfnUserFunc, LPVOID lpUserData, LPCWSTR lpwUrl, LPCWSTR lpwRequestHeaders = L"Accept:*/*\r\n", LPCSTR lpRequestData = NULL/*WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA*/, LPCWSTR lpwUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyMToW(WCHAR* w, INT ws, const CHAR* m, const INT ms, UINT cp); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyWToM(CHAR* m, INT ms, const WCHAR* w, const INT ws, UINT cp); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyUTF8ToW(WCHAR* w, INT ws, const CHAR* u, const INT us); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyWToUTF8(CHAR* u, INT us, const WCHAR* w, const INT ws); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyAToW(WCHAR* w, INT ws, const CHAR* a, const INT as); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyWToA(CHAR* a, INT as, const WCHAR* w, const INT ws); #pragma pack(push,1) typedef struct PlyCallBackData { void* pInstance; void* pUserData; bool bSecureSSL; }PlyCallBackData; #pragma pack(pop) typedef void (*PFN_WebSocketOnMessage)(void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_WebSocketOnOpen)(void* pConn, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_WebSocketOnClose)(void* pConn, int nStatus, const char* pReasonDesc, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_WebSocketOnError)(void* pConn, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_WebSocketOnPing)(void* pConn, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_WebSocketOnPong)(void* pConn, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_WebSocketOnSendError)(int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData); PLYAPIDLL_API void* PlyWebsocketServerCreate(bool bWSS, unsigned short nPort, const char* pCertFile = "", const char* pPrivateKeyFile = "", const char* pVerifyFile = ""); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketServerInit(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketServer, PFN_WebSocketOnMessage onMessage = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnOpen onOpen = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnClose onClose = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnError onError = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnPing onPing = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnPong onPong = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnSendError onSendError = 0L, const char* pName = "echo", void* pUserData = 0L); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketServerConnSend(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketServer, void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketServerConnSendClose(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketServer, void* pConn, int nStatus, const char* pReason); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketServerStart(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketServerStop(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketServerDestroy(bool bWSS, void** ppWebsocketServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void* PlyWebsocketClientCreate(bool bWSS, const char* pUrl = 0L, bool bVerifyCertificate = true, const char* pCertFile = "", const char* pPrivateKeyFile = "", const char* pVerifyFile = "", unsigned short nDefaultPort = 0); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientInit(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketClient, PFN_WebSocketOnMessage onMessage = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnOpen onOpen = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnClose onClose = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnError onError = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnPing onPing = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnPong onPong = 0L, PFN_WebSocketOnSendError onSendError = 0L, void* pUserData = 0L); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientSend(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketClient, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientSendClose(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketClient, int nStatus, const char* pReason); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientConnSend(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketClient, void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientConnSendClose(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketClient, void* pConn, int nStatus, const char* pReason); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientStart(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketClient); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientStop(bool bWSS, void* pWebsocketClient); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyWebsocketClientDestroy(bool bWSS, void** ppWebsocketClient); typedef void (*PFN_HttpOnHandler)(void* pRequest, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_HttpOnError)(void* pResponse, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_HttpOnSendError)(int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData); typedef void (*PFN_HttpGetValue)(int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData); typedef void (*PFN_HttpGetKeyValue)(int index, const char* pKey, unsigned int nKeySize, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetPath(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetMethod(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetContent(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetHttpVersion(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetQueryString(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetPathMatchCount(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetPathMatchIndex(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, int nIndex, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetHeaderCount(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetHeaderIndex(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, int nIndex, PFN_HttpGetKeyValue httpGetKeyValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetQueryStringCount(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpServerReqGetQueryStringIndex(bool bHTTPS, void* pRequest, int nIndex, PFN_HttpGetKeyValue httpGetKeyValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpClientRespGetContent(bool bHTTPS, void* pResponse, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpClientRespGetStatusCode(bool bHTTPS, void* pResponse, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpClientRespGetHttpVersion(bool bHTTPS, void* pResponse, PFN_HttpGetValue httpGetValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpClientRespGetHeaderCount(bool bHTTPS, void* pResponse); PLYAPIDLL_API int PlyHttpClientRespGetHeaderIndex(bool bHTTPS, void* pResponse, int nIndex, PFN_HttpGetKeyValue httpGetKeyValue, void* pUserData); PLYAPIDLL_API void* PlyHttpServerCreate(bool bHTTPS, unsigned short nPort, const char* pCertFile = 0L, const char* pPrivateKeyFile = 0L, const char* pVerifyFile = 0L); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpServerInit(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer, PFN_HttpOnError onMessage = 0L, const char* pRootPath = "web", void* pUserData = 0L); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpServerAddService(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer, const char* pServiceName = "", const char* pServiceMethod = "GET", PFN_HttpOnHandler onHandler = 0L); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpServerConnSend(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer, void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, bool bCloseConnectionAfterResponse = true); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpServerStart(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpServerStop(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpServerDestroy(bool bHTTPS, void** ppHttpServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void* PlyHttpClientCreate(bool bHTTPS, const char * pServerPortPath, bool bVerifyCertificate = false, const char* pCertFile = 0L, const char* pPrivateKey_file = 0L, const char* pVerifyFile = 0L, unsigned short nDefaultPort = 80); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpClientInit(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer, void* pUserData = 0L); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpClientSendSync(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpClient, const char* pMethod, const char* pUri, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, const char* pHeaders, PFN_HttpOnHandler onHandler, PFN_HttpOnSendError onSendError); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpClientSendAsync(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpClient, const char* pMethod, const char* pUri, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, const char* pHeaders, PFN_HttpOnHandler onHandler, PFN_HttpOnSendError onSendError); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpClientStart(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpClientStop(bool bHTTPS, void* pHttpServer); PLYAPIDLL_API void PlyHttpClientDestroy(bool bHTTPS, void** ppHttpServer);
std::string strRespData = ""; PlyHttpGet([](HttpStepType httpStepType, DWORD dwErrorId, LPVOID hSession, LPVOID hConnect, LPVOID hRequest, LPVOID lpData, UINT uSize, BOOL* pbResponseHeadersOnly, LPVOID lpUserData)->int { switch (httpStepType) { case HSTYPE_CrackUrl: break; case HSTYPE_Open: { WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO proxy = { 0 }; proxy.dwAccessType = WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NAMED_PROXY; proxy.lpszProxy = (LPWSTR)L";http://ccc.com:8088"; if (!::WinHttpSetOption(hSession, WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY, &proxy, sizeof(proxy))) { printf("Unable to set proxy.\n"); } } break; case HSTYPE_Connect: break; case HSTYPE_OpenRequest: break; case HSTYPE_SendRequest: break; case HSTYPE_ReceiveResponse: break; case HSTYPE_QueryRawHeaders: break; case HSTYPE_QueryDataAvailable: break; case HSTYPE_ReadData: //fwrite(pData, uSize, 1, (FILE*)lpUserData); ((std::string*)lpUserData)->append((CHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_LeaveClean: break; default: break; } return 0; }, &strRespData, L"https://cn.bing.com" ); printf("%s\n", strRespData.c_str());
class MyApi { public: std::wstring wstrUrl = L""; std::wstring wstrUserAgent = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestHeaders = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestData = L""; public: std::string strResponseData = ""; std::wstring wstrResponseHeaders = L""; }; MyApi myApi; myApi.wstrUrl = L"https://cn.bing.com"; myApi.wstrUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"; myApi.wstrRequestHeaders = L"Accept: */*\r\n"; PlyHttpGet([](HttpStepType httpStepType, DWORD dwErrorId, LPVOID hSession, LPVOID hConnect, LPVOID hRequest, LPVOID lpData, UINT uSize, BOOL* pbResponseHeadersOnly, LPVOID lpUserData)->int { switch (httpStepType) { case HSTYPE_CrackUrl: break; case HSTYPE_Open: { ::WinHttpSetTimeouts(hSession, 20000, 20000, 0, 0); } break; case HSTYPE_Connect: break; case HSTYPE_OpenRequest: break; case HSTYPE_SendRequest: break; case HSTYPE_ReceiveResponse: break; case HSTYPE_QueryRawHeaders: ((MyApi*)lpUserData)->wstrResponseHeaders.append((WCHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_QueryDataAvailable: break; case HSTYPE_ReadData: ((MyApi*)lpUserData)->strResponseData.append((CHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_LeaveClean: break; default: break; } return 0; }, &myApi, myApi.wstrUrl.c_str(),myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str(), NULL, myApi.wstrUserAgent.c_str()); printf("%ws\n", myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str()); printf("%s\n", myApi.strResponseData.c_str());
class MyApi { public: std::wstring wstrUrl = L""; std::wstring wstrUserAgent = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestHeaders = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestData = L""; public: std::string strResponseData = ""; std::wstring wstrResponseHeaders = L""; }; MyApi myApi; myApi.wstrUrl = L"https://cn.bing.com"; myApi.wstrUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"; myApi.wstrRequestHeaders = L"Accept: */*\r\n"; PlyHttpGet([](HttpStepType httpStepType, DWORD dwErrorId, LPVOID hSession, LPVOID hConnect, LPVOID hRequest, LPVOID lpData, UINT uSize, BOOL* pbResponseHeadersOnly, LPVOID lpUserData)->int { switch (httpStepType) { case HSTYPE_CrackUrl: break; case HSTYPE_Open: break; case HSTYPE_Connect: break; case HSTYPE_OpenRequest: break; case HSTYPE_SendRequest: break; case HSTYPE_ReceiveResponse: break; case HSTYPE_QueryRawHeaders: (*pbResponseHeadersOnly) = TRUE; ((MyApi*)lpUserData)->wstrResponseHeaders.append((WCHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_QueryDataAvailable: break; case HSTYPE_ReadData: //((MyApi*)lpUserData)->strResponseData.append((CHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_LeaveClean: break; default: break; } return 0; }, &myApi, myApi.wstrUrl.c_str(),myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str(), NULL, myApi.wstrUserAgent.c_str()); printf("%ws\n", myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str()); printf("%s\n", myApi.strResponseData.c_str());
class MyApi { public: std::wstring wstrUrl = L""; std::wstring wstrUserAgent = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestHeaders = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestData = L""; public: std::string strResponseData = ""; std::wstring wstrResponseHeaders = L""; }; MyApi myApi; myApi.wstrUrl = L"https://cn.bing.com"; myApi.wstrUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"; myApi.wstrRequestHeaders = L"Accept: */*\r\n"; PlyHttpGet([](HttpStepType httpStepType, DWORD dwErrorId, LPVOID hSession, LPVOID hConnect, LPVOID hRequest, LPVOID lpData, UINT uSize, BOOL* pbResponseHeadersOnly, LPVOID lpUserData)->int { switch (httpStepType) { case HSTYPE_CrackUrl: break; case HSTYPE_Open: { HTTP_VERSION_INFO version; version.dwMajorVersion = 1; version.dwMinorVersion = 1; ::WinHttpSetOption(hSession, WINHTTP_OPTION_HTTP_VERSION, &version, sizeof(version)); } break; case HSTYPE_Connect: break; case HSTYPE_OpenRequest: break; case HSTYPE_SendRequest: break; case HSTYPE_ReceiveResponse: break; case HSTYPE_QueryRawHeaders: (*pbResponseHeadersOnly) = TRUE; ((MyApi*)lpUserData)->wstrResponseHeaders.append((WCHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_QueryDataAvailable: break; case HSTYPE_ReadData: //((MyApi*)lpUserData)->strResponseData.append((CHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_LeaveClean: break; default: break; } return 0; }, &myApi, myApi.wstrUrl.c_str(),myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str(), NULL, myApi.wstrUserAgent.c_str()); printf("%ws\n", myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str()); printf("%s\n", myApi.strResponseData.c_str());
class MyApi { public: std::wstring wstrUrl = L""; std::wstring wstrUserAgent = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestHeaders = L""; std::wstring wstrRequestData = L""; public: std::string strResponseData = ""; std::wstring wstrResponseHeaders = L""; }; MyApi myApi; myApi.wstrUrl = L"https://cn.bing.com"; myApi.wstrUserAgent = L"PLYAPI/1.0"; myApi.wstrRequestHeaders = L"Accept: */*\r\n"; PlyHttpGet([](HttpStepType httpStepType, DWORD dwErrorId, LPVOID hSession, LPVOID hConnect, LPVOID hRequest, LPVOID lpData, UINT uSize, BOOL* pbResponseHeadersOnly, LPVOID lpUserData)->int { switch (httpStepType) { case HSTYPE_CrackUrl: break; case HSTYPE_Open: { ULONG disableFeture = WINHTTP_DISABLE_REDIRECTS; ::WinHttpSetOption(hSession, WINHTTP_OPTION_DISABLE_FEATURE, &disableFeture , sizeof(disableFeture )); } break; case HSTYPE_Connect: break; case HSTYPE_OpenRequest: break; case HSTYPE_SendRequest: break; case HSTYPE_ReceiveResponse: break; case HSTYPE_QueryRawHeaders: (*pbResponseHeadersOnly) = TRUE; ((MyApi*)lpUserData)->wstrResponseHeaders.append((WCHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_QueryDataAvailable: break; case HSTYPE_ReadData: //((MyApi*)lpUserData)->strResponseData.append((CHAR*)lpData, uSize); break; case HSTYPE_LeaveClean: break; default: break; } return 0; }, &myApi, myApi.wstrUrl.c_str(),myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str(), NULL, myApi.wstrUserAgent.c_str()); printf("%ws\n", myApi.wstrRequestHeaders.c_str()); printf("%s\n", myApi.strResponseData.c_str());
websocket websockets client/server使用案例:
void test_websocket_websocket_client_server() { bool bUseSsl = false; std::string name = "echo"; void* pWsServer = PlyWebsocketServerCreate(bUseSsl, 8080); void* pWsClient = PlyWebsocketClientCreate(bUseSsl, ("localhost:8080/" + name).c_str()); void* pWsSSLServer = PlyWebsocketServerCreate(!bUseSsl, 443, "server.crt", "server.key"); void* pWsSSLClient = PlyWebsocketClientCreate(!bUseSsl, ("localhost:443/" + name).c_str(), false); if (pWsServer == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } if (pWsClient == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } if (pWsSSLServer == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } if (pWsSSLClient == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } PlyWebsocketServerInit(bUseSsl, pWsServer, [](void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Message received:" << pMsg << std::endl; PlyWebsocketServerConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, pMsg, nMsgSize); }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Opened connection " << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, int nStatus, const char* pReasonDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Closed connection with status code " << nStatus << ",desc is " << pReasonDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: onPing message" << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: onPong message" << std::endl; }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, name.c_str(), NULL); PlyWebsocketServerInit(!bUseSsl, pWsSSLServer, [](void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Message received:" << pMsg << std::endl; PlyWebsocketServerConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, pMsg, nMsgSize); }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Opened connection " << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, int nStatus, const char* pReasonDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Closed connection with status code " << nStatus << ",desc is " << pReasonDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: onPing message" << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: onPong message" << std::endl; }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Server: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, name.c_str(), NULL); PlyWebsocketClientInit(bUseSsl, pWsClient, [](void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Message received:" << pMsg << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; PlyWebsocketClientConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, "Hello", strlen("Hello")); }, [](void* pConn, int nStatus, const char* pReasonDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Closed connection with status code " << nStatus << ",desc is " << pReasonDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; PlyWebsocketClientConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, "Ping", strlen("Ping")); }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; PlyWebsocketClientConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, "Pong", strlen("Pong")); }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, NULL); PlyWebsocketClientInit(!bUseSsl, pWsSSLClient, [](void* pConn, const char* pMsg, unsigned int nMsgSize, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Message received:" << pMsg << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; PlyWebsocketClientConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, "Hello", strlen("Hello")); }, [](void* pConn, int nStatus, const char* pReasonDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Closed connection with status code " << nStatus << ",desc is " << pReasonDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; PlyWebsocketClientConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, "Ping", strlen("Ping")); }, [](void* pConn, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; PlyWebsocketClientConnSend(pCBD->bSecureSSL, pCBD->pInstance, pConn, "Pong", strlen("Pong")); }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pCBD = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; std::cout << "Client: Error: " << nErrorCode << ", error message: " << pErrorDesc << std::endl; }, NULL); { std::thread([bUseSsl, pWsServer]() { PlyWebsocketServerStart(bUseSsl, pWsServer); }).detach(); std::thread([bUseSsl, pWsSSLServer]() { PlyWebsocketServerStart(!bUseSsl, pWsSSLServer); }).detach(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); std::thread([bUseSsl, pWsClient]() { PlyWebsocketClientStart(bUseSsl, pWsClient); }).detach(); std::thread([bUseSsl, pWsSSLClient]() { PlyWebsocketClientStart(!bUseSsl, pWsSSLClient); }).detach(); int i = 0; while (true) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); auto msg = ("ws ok!" + std::to_string(i++)); PlyWebsocketClientSend(bUseSsl, pWsClient, msg.c_str(), msg.length()); msg = ("wss ok!" + std::to_string(i++)); PlyWebsocketClientSend(!bUseSsl, pWsSSLClient, msg.c_str(), msg.length()); } } __LEAVE_CLEAN__: if (pWsServer != NULL) { PlyWebsocketServerDestroy(bUseSsl, &pWsServer); } if (pWsClient != NULL) { PlyWebsocketClientDestroy(bUseSsl, &pWsClient); } if (pWsSSLServer != NULL) { PlyWebsocketServerDestroy(!bUseSsl, &pWsServer); } if (pWsSSLClient != NULL) { PlyWebsocketClientDestroy(!bUseSsl, &pWsClient); } } http/https client/server使用案例: void test_http_https_client_server() { class StringContent { public: std::string content = std::string(); }; bool bUseSsl = false; void* pHttpServer = PlyHttpServerCreate(bUseSsl, 8080); void* pHttpClient = PlyHttpClientCreate(bUseSsl, "localhost:8080"); void* pHttpSSLServer = PlyHttpServerCreate(!bUseSsl, 1443, "server.crt", "server.key"); void* pHttpSSLClient = PlyHttpClientCreate(!bUseSsl, "localhost:1443", false); if (pHttpServer == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } if (pHttpClient == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } if (pHttpSSLServer == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } if (pHttpSSLClient == NULL) { goto __LEAVE_CLEAN__; } PlyHttpServerAddService(bUseSsl, pHttpServer, "/string", "POST", [](void* pRequest, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; class ReqContent { public: std::string content = std::string(); } reqContent; PlyHttpServerReqGetContent(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pRequest, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { ReqContent* pReqContent = (ReqContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, & reqContent); std::string resp = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: " + std::to_string(reqContent.content.length()) + "\r\n\r\n" + reqContent.content; PlyHttpServerConnSend(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pcbd->pInstance, pResponse, resp.data(), resp.length(), false); }); PlyHttpServerAddService(bUseSsl, pHttpServer, "/mymatch/([0-9]+)", "GET", [](void* pRequest, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; class ReqContent { public: std::string content = std::string(); } reqContent; PlyHttpServerReqGetPathMatchIndex(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pRequest, 1, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { ReqContent* pReqContent = (ReqContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, &reqContent); std::string resp = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: " + std::to_string(reqContent.content.length()) + "\r\n\r\n" + reqContent.content; PlyHttpServerConnSend(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pcbd->pInstance, pResponse, resp.data(), resp.length(), false); }); PlyHttpServerInit(bUseSsl, pHttpServer, [](void* pConn, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { }); PlyHttpServerAddService(!bUseSsl, pHttpSSLServer, "/string", "POST", [](void* pRequest, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; StringContent strContent; PlyHttpServerReqGetContent(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pRequest, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { auto pReqContent = (StringContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, & strContent); std::string resp = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: " + std::to_string(strContent.content.length()) + "\r\n\r\n" + strContent.content; PlyHttpServerConnSend(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pcbd->pInstance, pResponse, resp.data(), resp.length(), false); }); PlyHttpServerAddService(!bUseSsl, pHttpSSLServer, "/mymatch/([0-9]+)", "GET", [](void* pRequest, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; StringContent strContent; PlyHttpServerReqGetPathMatchIndex(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pRequest, 1, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { auto pReqContent = (StringContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, &strContent); std::string resp = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: " + std::to_string(strContent.content.length()) + "\r\n\r\n" + strContent.content; PlyHttpServerConnSend(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pcbd->pInstance, pResponse, resp.data(), resp.length(), false); }); PlyHttpServerInit(!bUseSsl, pHttpSSLServer, [](void* pConn, int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { }); { std::thread([bUseSsl, pHttpServer]() { PlyHttpServerStart(bUseSsl, pHttpServer); }).detach(); std::thread([bUseSsl, pHttpSSLServer]() { PlyHttpServerStart(!bUseSsl, pHttpSSLServer); }).detach(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); std::thread([bUseSsl, pHttpClient]() { PlyHttpClientStart(bUseSsl, pHttpClient); }).detach(); std::thread([bUseSsl, pHttpSSLClient]() { PlyHttpClientStart(!bUseSsl, pHttpSSLClient); }).detach(); int i = 0; while (true) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); auto msg = ("http ok!" + std::to_string(i++)); PlyHttpClientSendSync(bUseSsl, pHttpClient, "POST", "/string", msg.c_str(), msg.length(), "", [](void*/* pRequest*/, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; StringContent strContent; PlyHttpClientRespGetContent(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pResponse, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { auto pReqContent = (StringContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, &strContent); printf("recv %s,%d\n", strContent.content.c_str(), strContent.content.size()); }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { printf("pErrorDesc=%s\n", pErrorDesc); }); PlyHttpClientSendSync(bUseSsl, pHttpClient, "GET", "/match/123", msg.c_str(), msg.length(), "", [](void*/* pRequest*/, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; StringContent strContent; PlyHttpClientRespGetContent(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pResponse, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { auto pReqContent = (StringContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, &strContent); printf("recv %s,%d\n", strContent.content.c_str(), strContent.content.size()); }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { printf("pErrorDesc=%s\n", pErrorDesc); }); msg = ("https ok!" + std::to_string(i++)); PlyHttpClientSendSync(!bUseSsl, pHttpSSLClient, "POST", "/string", msg.c_str(), msg.length(), "", [](void*/* pRequest*/, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; StringContent strContent; PlyHttpClientRespGetContent(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pResponse, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { auto pReqContent = (StringContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, & strContent); printf("recv %s,%d\n", strContent.content.c_str(), strContent.content.size()); }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { printf("pErrorDesc=%s\n", pErrorDesc); }); PlyHttpClientSendSync(!bUseSsl, pHttpSSLClient, "GET", "/mymatch/123", msg.c_str(), msg.length(), "", [](void*/* pRequest*/, void* pResponse, void* pCallBackData) { PlyCallBackData* pcbd = (PlyCallBackData*)pCallBackData; StringContent strContent; PlyHttpClientRespGetContent(pcbd->bSecureSSL, pResponse, [](int nIndex, const char* pValue, unsigned int nValueSize, void* pUserData) { auto pReqContent = (StringContent*)pUserData; pReqContent->content.assign(pValue, nValueSize); }, &strContent); printf("recv %s,%d\n", strContent.content.c_str(), strContent.content.size()); }, [](int nErrorCode, const char* pErrorDesc, void* pCallBackData) { printf("pErrorDesc=%s\n", pErrorDesc); }); } } __LEAVE_CLEAN__: if (pHttpServer != NULL) { PlyHttpServerDestroy(bUseSsl, &pHttpServer); } if (pHttpClient != NULL) { PlyHttpClientDestroy(bUseSsl, &pHttpClient); } if (pHttpSSLServer != NULL) { PlyHttpServerDestroy(!bUseSsl, &pHttpSSLServer); } if (pHttpSSLClient != NULL) { PlyHttpClientDestroy(!bUseSsl, &pHttpSSLClient); } }
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